Saturday, January 15, 2011

Online Retailing #1 - Thomas Pink

Thomas Pink
I'm a massive fan of Thomas Pink shirts but usually wait until the sale is on before I update my wardrobe. This year was no different though I was probably a bit late in visiting the site and I think this impacted on the choice available. However I did buy four rather nice new shirts to sport at the office this year.

Rating; Good

Good for; High quality formal shirts. Sale bargains. A quick delivery service.

Bad for; conveying the brand online. Is the availability 100% up to date?

What did I buy?
4 shirts for work.
The winter sale is the key message on the home page and it’s impossible to miss it. Other options are on the left hand nav as text links.

The sale section was very easy to find. The search options on the left hand side made finding the shirts in my size and preferred fit (15.5 and slim) easy to find. I liked this evolving way of presenting what was available and did go back and not be as picky with some choices, which in turn returned more products.
The navigation colour scheme was all on brand and the pink and black works well from a brand perspective.

Customer interaction
I've ordered from this site before but I don't recall getting an e-mail re the sale starting? This would have been a good prompt for me and probably driven me to the site earlier where I might have seen more choice and bought more?

Product Pages
The zoom feature is great on the product pages and gives you plenty to look at and lets you make an informed decision.

The graphic at the bottom showing what sizes are available is also clear – although one shirt I tried to order was shown as available on the product page but when I checked out suddenly wasn’t available which was a bit frustrating.

I didn’t think much of the cross sell I was shown, a bit of a dodgy looking pink sweater?


Delivery was free, but so it should be, I'd spent £200+. The shirts arrived at my work address really quickly, 3 days after placing my order. They did though arrive in a boring box and this felt like a missed opportunity to reinforce the brand/quality experience that I associate with Thomas Pink as a brand.

A good service and a straightforward shopping experience mean that I'll be back again for the summer sale!
Perhaps a missed branding opportunity from a delivery perspective - I wouldn't have felt right having my order gift wrapped for myself but a bit of TP styling wouldn't have gone a miss.

Web Site Thomas Pink

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