Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Online Retailing #2 - Domino's

Pizza and Curry are my two favourite takeaways, closely followed by Chinese, then Fish and Chips, with the occasional Subway thrown in. Friday night in Huddersfield though is Pizza night.

I'd read in the paper (The Guardian) that Domino's had been doing well as a business and that they'd fully embraced the digital side of the business and so I decided I'd have a look and see what they were doing so well from an online retailing perspective.

Rather than use the web site I decided it give ordering on the ipone app a go.

Rating; Good

Good for; Classic pizzas. Lots of different ways to order a pizza.
Bad for; Small side dishes and fairly pricey compared to the local firm.

What did I buy?
A meateor pizza and two side dishes for £14.99, this was one of the deals on offer.
When you sign back into the app, you have to re-enter your post code which seems a bit odd but once in there is then a button to repeat your last order. The interface is clear and of the standard you'd expect from a large chain.

Very simple to navigate using the iphone app and all of the usual slides and taps, though it did seem a bit slow but that might have been my wireless?


Customer interaction
The delivery chap was polite and I'd paid online so there was no need for any cash to change hands.

Product Pages
The photography was adequate and the descriptions to the point. The pizzas were well merchandised aand looked appetising.

The checkout was a bit unclear and I had to double check that I hadn't ordered two lots of chicken strippers!!

Delivery was free as part of the deal. The order also arrived very quickly - about 20 minutes or so, which was perfectly acceptable. The pizza was hot and the sides fine - but small!

A good service and by ordering online there was none of the confusion that can happen when ordering over the phone. As I'd paid online I didn't need to worry about having the right money or change etc.
The product was well merchandised and very clear. The different deals were highlighted but I didn't feel that any potential cross/up sells were taken advantage of.

The app look and feel was corporately aligned and echoed the current TV and DM campaigns that I've seen.

Web Site Domino's 

The above order was placed using the free Domino's iphone app.

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